7 Practical Wellbeing Tips for Parents with Busy Lifestyles

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wellbeing tips for parents

Motherhood is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences in this lifetime, but all too often we get so caught up with daily routines, work, and household chores, that we often forget to prioritise our own wellbeing.

Being a parent can be incredibly challenging so it is of vital importance that we fill our own cups in order to raise happy, healthy and well balanced children.

In this post, I’ll be sharing some wellbeing tips for parents to help both you and your partner better handle the demands of parenting.

Wellbeing Tip for Parents:

Get some SLEEP!

Sleep is crucial in order to maintain both physical and mental wellbeing.

As parents, it is challenging getting enough sleep, and even more so if your little ones insist on late nights, early mornings and all the wake ups in-between.

However, it’s important to make sleep a priority, by creating a regular sleep schedule as well as a relaxing bedtime routine.

One thing that has helped me tremendously is to set an alarm on my phone that goes off exactly one hour before I want to be in bed.

By doing this you’ll be reminded to switch off electronic devices which keeps your brain awake for long after you’ve gone to bed.

You’ll also have enough time to do your night time skin routine and to read a couple of pages from your favourite book.

Practice self-care

When it comes to motherhood, we often prioritise the needs of our kids before our own. This is a natural thing to do because we obviously always want the best for them.

But if we aren’t looking after ourselves, there’s a chance that we aren’t giving them our best. Even though the intentions are there.

Some ways that you can treat yourself, and you should be doing so every week, is to:

  • Unwind with your favourite book
  • Take a long relaxing bath by candle light
  • Have a cup of tea, or even better glass of wine
  • Get out the house! Even if it’s just for a walk around the block
  • Establish a healthy morning and night time routine

There are so many more things that you can incorporate into your daily life but the key is to do something that brings you peace and joy.

Move your body

Not only is exercise amazing as a form of stress relief, but it will improve your overall health and give you a great mood boost.

I know how difficult it is to find time to exercise as a busy parent, and even if you can find pockets of time, it’s a mental challenge to get up and get moving, but we all know that IT IS worth the effort.

A few short minutes a day is better than nothing! You don’t have to be an early bird or hit the gym for 2 hours a day.

If you can commit to just 30 minutes a day, you’ll start to feel and look better, and in turn this may motivate you to make more time.

The benefits of exercising speak for themselves, you just have to take that first step and make it a part of your daily routine.

If you’re really struggling to find the time around your kids, why not include them in your activities. Kiddies yoga or dance is a fun activity for the whole family so not only will you be exercising, but you’ll be spending some quality time together as well.

Many wellbeing tips for parents can be considered for the kids as well.

Create a Community

Coming from South Africa, I quickly realised how isolating parenting can be. Not having my family around to help me is incredibly difficult and I’ve had to take matters into my own hands and look for my community here in the UK.

Whether it’s joining a parent group or meeting up with friends, social connections can help you feel supported and less alone.

We all need someone to lean on and it’s important to ask for help when you need it.

Some parents are raising their kids on their own and while it’s a very difficult thing to do, there are ways to share the load.

Build healthy eating habits

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is a key part of your well-being.

You don’t need to follow a strict diet and I’m not talking about weight loss, I just mean that you have to focus on being more nutritionally balanced.

This is especially important for your kids as well, so teach them from a young age to prioritise whole, nutrient-dense foods and avoid over processed food and snacks as far as possible.

Planning your meals in advance or batch cooking will make life so much easier for the entire family.

Practice mindfulness and being present

Life is incredibly busy, and motherhood only amplifies it.

Being mindful and present allows you to be fully engaged in the moment. Put your phones down and switch off the TV. Take some time to get outside with the family or just be around one another and spend some quality time together.

Mindfulness is also a brilliant stress management technique and is something that the whole family will benefit from.

Take some time for yourself as well and practice daily mediation, read a book, or have a nice long bath. Practicing your weekly self-care routine is a form of mindfulness in itself.

Simple Stress Management Tools For Busy Moms

Set boundaries

Setting boundaries is probably one of the most important wellbeing tips for parent.

It is challenging and often uncomfortable, but it’s important for maintaining mental and physical wellbeing.

Don’t over commit yourself and only take on what is possible with the time that you have and according to your financial situation.

If something doesn’t sit right with your values, it’s ok to say so and stand true to yourself and your beliefs as well. Everyone has an opinion on motherhood and how you should be raising your children but we need to be respectful of how someone chooses to raise their families. And you deserve that respect too so never compare yourself to other parents.

Setting boundaries will allow you to feel less stressed and more in control of your life.

In conclusion, parenting can be challenging, but prioritizing your own wellbeing can help you feel more equipped to handle the ups and downs of parenting. By incorporating these wellbeing tips into your daily routine, you can improve your physical and mental health and be the best parent you can be.